Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Rapid-fire Round of QnA with Justin Roberts Author of Policewoman

Lets have a round of rapid fire round of question and answer with Justin W. M. Roberts. His action thriller Policewoman on drug mafia has already got traction from many readers.

Your educational Background?
Bachelor's degree PPP(politics, philosophy, psychology) Hull university UK
What were you like at school/college apart from studies?
At school and college played rugby and squash. Represented Hull university in both sports. Love cross-country running and hiking.
What are some day jobs you have held?
Waiter, bar tender, teacher, farmer, sales rep
Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors? Which author inspire you the most?
Prolific reader. Favourite living authors Martin Amis, Salman Rushdie, Tom Robbins, Gore Vidal. Love the classics too especially Russian writers.
When did you start writing?
Started writing fiction at prep school.
When did you decide to become a writer?
Decided to write policewoman in 2012.
What are your ambitions for your writing career?
Ambition with current project is to see Policewoman made into a film.
Do you have a special time to write, or how is your day structured to accommodate your writing?
Write best late at night.
What genre are your books?
I would categorise Policewoman as action/thriller.
Can you describe your current book in few lines? What’s it about?
Policewoman is the story of an international drug cartel and its defeat.
Give us an insight into your main character(s)
Main characters are Sarah and Michael. Sarah works for anti-terrorist unit Densus88. She is intelligent, tough, and beautiful. Micheal is British SAS, rugged, manly, but sensitive and modest.
Where did you get idea for this book?
Drugs are/will be a problem in the future
How much research did you do for this book?
Lots of research especially into police and military operations.
Who is your favorite character in your book and why?
Michael because he is the epitome of what a good soldier should be but also has sense of humour and a mischievous side.
Who is your least favorite character and why?
Niall, an absolute psychopath
What was the toughest thing about writing your latest book?
  • Deciding to write it in present tense
  • Finding a balance so that the book would appeal to both western and Asian audiences.
Release date.
October 2016
How well your book is doing in market?
Sales are picking up and reviews have been excellent.
What are your thoughts on writing a book series?
Possible sequel to Policewoman or a children's adventure book that wouldn't require so much research.
What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
Be disciplined. Try to write something everyday.
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