Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Blogger Trailmap - How to Take Your Blog to the Next Level in Easy Steps - A Book Review

I am blogging for more than 5 years now. I started dedicated (book) blogging in July 2016. Since then I tried and tested many things so when I saw "The Blogger Trailmap" with interesting illustration at just 1$ (72 INR) I gave it a try.

The book is divided into 3 parts.
  1. Deciding the type of blog/topic/subject
  2. Creating MVP - minimum viable product
  3. Taking proven blog (model) to next level
The content is written as pointers. You won't find spoonfeed material or step by step (pedagogy). Frankly speaking, being a solo/small group blogger there are no fix steps. The author has given only directions.

As a blogger, in the initial phase of blogging, all I wanted was more and more number of visits. While building blog, I thought of buying web space and domain, but my stable mind prevail me to do so. When I read these sections it reminded me earlier phase of my blogging days. At many places, my decisions were validated by book direction, though at some places they were criticized as well. In short, I have planned for my blog 3.0 based on the book.

Coming to general sense, the author has used a practical approach to wanna-be blogger and ametuare blogger. If we don't plan out we may lose viewership. If we think too much about planning before execution we may miss the right entry. The author has also shown where, when and how monetary decisions should be taken. Whether it's about marketing your blog or monetizing it.

Following are good points
  • Easy to understand language usage
  • Less preaching more examples
  • Shown steps in pointers
  • Wonderful illustrations
  • Supporting materials provided at end of each chapter
Only suggestion would be proper cover design. Though trail map (cover) is good as content, it looks like an academic poster.

Kindly note that though I have used word blogger, the book is equally true for Vlogger & Podcaster as well.

Talking about ratings
  1. Cover - 3/5
  2. Concept - 4/5
  3. Content - 4.5/5 (0.5 extra for good illlustations)
  4. Overall - 4/5
The book can be found at Amazon India and Amazon USA
Reviews from other readers can be found at GoodReads

We would like to thank Zavesti.com for introducing us to this wonderful book. Those who would like to know more about Blogging/Vlogging can visit their site.


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