Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Children's Day Special - Check Out Review of Trust

I applied for all books of Blue Orb and Notion Press on Goodreads giveaway. Though I wanted the whole series, I considered myself lucky when I won Trust - The Hen's Eggs and The Trusting Friends. I loved the book, the moment I received the copy. I am adding all the books in this series to my wishlist.

Book Blurb
The Hen's mother was not well. She wanted to visit her. The only problem was that she had recently laid twelve eggs and she needed somebody to look after them. To her relief, her neighbour the Snake offered to guard the eggs till they returned. Feeling happy, both Hen and Rooster went to visit the Hen's mother. When they returned in the evening, the Hen felt that some of her eggs were missing. Were her eggs actually missing? What had happened to her eggs?
Penguin, Reindeer and Fox were good friends. One day, the Penguin and Reindeer found a stack of fruits. They shared their secret with the Fox. Being a bigmouth, The Fox told all the other animals about the stack of fruits. Angry at this, the Penguin and Reindeer shared another secret with the Fox. Did the Fox tell everybody about their secret this time too? Or had he learnt his lesson?

Trust has two stories. The first story is about Hen's Egg where snake broken trust of hen couple. When mother hen found something fishie, she replaced eggs with stone. And she was right, next day snake found dead with the stone in his stomach. The second story is about big mouth fox. For fox, gossiping is bigger than his friends. He broke their trust and got thrashing of other animals.

Stories are simple but kids book should contain learning that can help them build a good character. This book is written with 'trust' as a core learning for kids. It shows what is the importance of trust, how trust will be built over time and how easily it can be broken. It also shows that if trust is broken then it will hamper over life.

Another important thing about kids book is artwork. And this book has eye-catching artwork. My kid liked the book and its artwork the moment he saw it. Definitely an awesome gift for kids
  1. Title - 3.5/5
  2. Cover - 4/5
  3. Content - 3/5
  4. Artwork - 4/5
  5. Overall - 4/5
Book can be found at Amazon and Flipkart
Review from other readers can be found at GoodReads


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