Sunday, February 11, 2018

Become: The 5 Critical Conversational Practices

I rarely read self-help book especially related to personality development. If I have been to window shopping to a book-shop I might have missed this book as I ignore the whole section of self-help. I checked the cover of "Become" by Sameer Dua and thought of giving a try. And I really liked the book.

Book Blurb
Become is an invitation to you to choose a powerful 'posture' in your leadership, and life. You don't 'become' by knowing more, you 'become' by shifting your practices, and in case of leadership, by shifting and creating new conversational practices. Which is why this book is not about understanding new concepts, but about learning new practices to shift 'who you be', moment to moment. The promise of this book is to provide, in simple words, the fundamentals of the critical leadership coaching conversations to enable leaders to generate sustainable, extraordinary results.
The book is started with the importance of conversation. Believe me not just me but the most of the professionals think only about end results. If things not done then all other things are treated as arguments. Author has thrown light with the help of examples that it won’t be the case every time. In most of the situations, a proper conversation is missing between two channels. Then Sameer has explained the role of leaders. Normally people think leadership is just to lead outputs but successful leaders are those who coach his team. And then starts the crux of the book. i.e. important aspects of conversation for coaching. Author has finished with Adobe’s case study which was equally interesting.

I liked the book and the way the serious material was delivered. It reminded with me, my previous boss. I have seen similar leadership style in him.

It is a perfect gift for professionals. Talking about rating:
  1. Cover – 3.5/5
  2. Content – 4/5
  3. Concept – 4/5
  4. Overall – 4/5
Book can be found at Amazon & Flipkart
Review from other readers can be found at GoodReads


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